You're doing something amazing

No one should go blind from avoidable causes. Thank you for changing the story for children with visual impairment.

Your donation

How often would you like to donate:
How much would you like to give?

In a year, your monthly donation could: screen 48 school children for a range of eye conditions.

In a year, your monthly donation could: provide 120 courses of eye ointment to treat active trachoma infections.

In a year, your monthly donation could: provide 132 adult cataract lenses for cataract surgery.

How much would you like to give?

Your donation could: screen a class full of school children for a range of eye conditions.

Your donation could: provide 45 courses of ointment to treat active trachoma infections.

Your donation could: provide 49 adult cataract lenses for cataract surgery.


Other ways to donate:



Donate by Mail

Online donations help keep our admin costs down, but we do accept donations by check or money order.

Please make checks and money orders payable to:

Sightsavers, Inc.
One Boston Place, Suite 2600
Boston MA 02108
